Sociable Museums

Social Media in Art Museums (English + Español)

What Museums Say... about Tate

Today, for the section "What Museums Say..." I am posting a totally relevant testimony by art museums. Here it is,

A discussion with Tate about the use of sites like these
shared by grewliketopsy. As the author remarks, the video is,
A 14 minute interview with John Stack, Editor of Tate Online and Sarah Briggs, marketing manager for Tate, about how organisations and individuals can use sites like flickr, facebook, MySpace and YouTube etc for reaching a broader audience and giving increased functionality and interactivity than what is possible on an individual website.

It is pretty long to be into the standards of online videos, but interesting indeed.

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What Museums Say... about Seattle Art Museum

This post is the first one in English of the series "Lo que los museos dicen...", which in its English version is called, "What Museums Say..." This section shows a different point of view to the so called "User Generated Content" (UGC) by featuring what art museums are saying -online- about themselves.

One of the most interesting approaches to this problem is checking how museums are advertising themselves. As you will keep watching in future posts of this section, there are lots of wonderful and very creative examples of self-introductions by art museums. One of my favorites is this one by Seattle Art Museum, USA, posted by coleweber, I guess, the author of the featured spot. I t is my belief that this is a good spot because it is focussed on museum visitors' experience and not on, as often used to happen, what museums do, have, want, etc. Here I can f-e-e-l what is going to happen to me if I visited Seattle Art Museum, because wher Generated Content, What Museums Say...en I visit art museums, I not only used to learn, mainly I have experiences. Here you can have yours. Any comments on how to interpret this video?

If you also understand Spanish, do not forget checking the topics section of the right column, and clicking on some other examples of Museums talking about themselves at
"Lo que los museos dicen..."; or, why not, people speaking about museums at "Lo que la gente dice..." and its equivalent in English, "What People Say..."

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